The Australian Band and Orchestra Director's Association (ABODA) is Australia's premier in-service support organisation for music educators, instrumental music teachers and band & orchestra directors.

ABODA pledges an ongoing commitment to the growth of music education and community music making throughout all areas of the country. ABODA is the only in-service organisation in Australia specifically for ensemble directors and communicates with other professional development organisations both locally and internationally.


ABODA provides a valuable and reliable network both on a State and National level.

The organisation operates in-services and clinics on a regular basis, including the annual summer conducting schools. ABODA conducts a national conference (ANBOC) bi-annually, with a State conference occurring every other year. Internationally-renowned conductors and clinicians are used at these events.


ABODA was founded in 1985 by Mr Russell Hammond AM.

State Branches also operate in Victoria, South Australia, Queensland and Western Australia. Representatives from each State Branch form the National Executive.

National ABODA formulates broad policy and maintains important links with overseas organisations.